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I See You Four

January 20, 2009
I See You Four

Ok Finally you get a peak at the top of the pin-hole camera and a wee bit of the side of the bottom.

This is a picture right after i have taken it out of that little rusty bin with a pair of tongs. Its still very hot - oh and before i forget to tell you - i dropped it! AAAAAAH yes i did, i felt it slipping out of my tong grip so i got super super close to the ground so when it finally slipped out of my grip and went TINK onto the hard pavement i was sooooo hoping it didn't put a crack into it. Yeah - so after the fall i pick it up once again with the tongs and get it to the table. Jeez - wiping the sweat from my brow and trying not to be disappointed that i have probably just put a crack into my lovely pinhole camera :-(

However, upon further examination on the table - i see to my surprise that i have been smiled upon by the Gods and Goddess of Clay! There are no cracks in it at all - YEAH!


Blinded By Beauty is Born

January 13, 2009
Blinded By Beauty is Born

Ahhh - Finally - that was alot of work. So this is a finished greenwear pin-hole camera. In case you forgot greenwear is only just what i consider the 1/2 way point.

I thought a final picture was needed to show you what it looks like with the top put on showing off its new button stopper/shutter.

I will be soooooo excited once i get to glaze this and fix up the metal piece that i will insert as my pin-hole. Eeeeeeeh - thats my excited noise.


Blinded By Beauty

January 13, 2009
Blinded By Beauty

Now where was i - um, oh yeah i just squeezed a soft bit of clay into the little hole, then i have a stamp that i made and i press that it onto my piece of really soft clay until i get a nice impression.

Well - this one is almost all put together. I suppose i would say this was at the 1/2 way mark. It still must be bisque fired, sanded, then glazed and the final firing.

Also this little pin-hole camera got a name it's called Blinded By Beauty.


Nameless Pinhole Camera

January 8, 2009
Nameless Pinhole Camera

As for now this pinhole camera i'm working on is name less. So this is me & i'm working on finishing up another pinhole camera, it took me a long time to finally decide on how to make the hole for the shutter (besides for the piece of metal i have to cut later) Anyway i was trying to think of different ways to cover up the shutter.

So this was my latest idea - to make a small hole and put sorta like a plug into it. I start off by making the hole, then taking really soft clay and rolling it between my fingers, then i place that in the hole and push down...

Well, you receive more directions and pictures of the process tomorrow. Cheers and enjoy! Maybe by tomorrow this little guy will have a name as well.


Little Wings and Things

January 7, 2009
Little Wings and Things

Here you see the last bit of things i needed to finish up my clay pin-hole camera. Lets see theres a cork with a needle in it, rubber cement, black foam, black duct tape, scissors, and of course a sheet of newspaper to spread all this stuff out on.

Once i got into it, doing the last bit really didn't take that long and was not really that hard. I would say the longest part was drilling the hole and sanding the piece of metal from the soda can was the most time consuming.

So now i need some other supplies, like fixer, developer and i suppose some stop bath a red safe light (because i have no IDEA what i did with the one i had already) oh and some trays... yeah i think thats about it. I wonder if i can get some trays at dollar tree ;D that would be SWEET.

Oh i nearly forgot - i need some paper film tooo, i'm not sure the film i have is good anymore. So its better to do testing with new film for now anyway, one less thing to factor out if i think i have a light leak or a fuzzy pin-hole image.

Taking my list to the photography store,
T Lynn


Tree & Presents

December 31, 2008
Tree & Presents
This was a 3 hour exposure on Polaroid film. Thats a long time but I like the mystery of it. This is my tree. I made my tree out of copper wire and it has a copper pole in the middle where a strand of rope lights go up. It has tinsel wrapped about the copper wire that is spiraling down to the floor.

Quick Lesson

December 24, 2008
Quick Lesson

This little box was made because I had some leftover clay all rolled out and my friend Sara was nearby. I asked her if she wanted to see how i made the boxes with the little pointed feet. She excitedly said yes!

The lid i cut a leaf shape and bent up the ends - i thought it would be most interesting. Not very practical for taking around in a bag - but who would want to hide this cute little camera? Oh an yes, this was made into a pinhole camera.

Its super sunny out today!
Would be good for taking some pinhole pictures. However I have a lot of work to do at the art building, so I am going to send off one more resume and then go to the art building.

Ta Ta,
T Lynn

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