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I See You Died

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Monday, April 6, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Well this just goes along with how i feel anyway - yes that was a very Eeyore statement, but we all go through rough times. Now would be one of mine.

As some of you may know i was working on a pin-home camera that i made out of clay. There are a series of pictures of I See You - as it was going thru the firing process. As you may have remembered i saved my wheel-thrown pin-hole camera from its first disaster, however when taking it outside to sand the bottom it slipped from my hands & this ti...

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Blinded By Beauty is Born

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Monday, April 6, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Ahhh - Finally - that was alot of work. So this is a finished greenwear pin-hole camera. In case you forgot greenwear is only just what i consider the 1/2 way point.

I thought a final picture was needed to show you what it looks like with the top put on showing off its new button stopper/shutter.

I will be soooooo excited once i get to glaze this and fix up the metal piece that i will insert as my pin-hole. Eeeeeeeh - thats my excited noise.

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Me & Little Wings safe under a red light

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

This is me and i'm loading film into my pinhole camera. Trying to remember to stay still for nearly a 45 seconds feels like such a long time when listening to hear the shutter close.

Before I had a chance to use this camera I had to go to several shops to try and find chemicals that I needed to develop the film and who knew that even though i live in the capitol of VA that the camera shops around here wouldn't have everything i needed... oh like matte paper film, Dev, Fix, SB... i mean really...

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Blinded By Beauty is Born

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Ahhh - Finally - that was alot of work. So this is a finished greenwear pin-hole camera. In case you forgot greenwear is only just what i consider the 1/2 way point.

I thought a final picture was needed to show you what it looks like with the top put on showing off its new button stopper/shutter.

I will be soooooo excited once i get to glaze this and fix up the metal piece that i will insert as my pin-hole. Eeeeeeeh - thats my excited noise.

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Little Wings and Things

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Here you see the last bit of things i needed to finish up my clay pin-hole camera. Lets see theres a cork with a needle in it, rubber cement, black foam, black duct tape, scissors, and of course a sheet of newspaper to spread all this stuff out on.

Once i got into it, doing the last bit really didn't take that long and was not really that hard. I would say the longest part was drilling the hole and sanding the piece of metal from the soda can was the most time consuming.

So now i need some ot...

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