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Browsing Archive: January, 2009

Working a Tisket

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Hi everyone - sorry i can't wave my hands are full. It's me and i'm working on putting on a textured handle onto my little mug named A Tisket (it has a match named A Tasket). I was thinking about my mom and how she would always sing that song at random moments in my life.

I recently made a pink glaze -shhh don't tell me mom yet tho. Its a surprise since her favorite color is pink, unlike me which my favorite color is actually green. Anyway i'm thinking ahead (which one should always do when p...

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Pretty Pink Piggies

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Mugs Cups Tumblers 
I'm not one to usually paint my nails, however this morning i was looking down past the hem of my green summer dress & thought huh a complimenting color of pink would look cute. So i go and get the dusty box of crazy colored nail polish and sift thru it till i find my amazing pink, that matches my hair. As i'm sitting at the edge of my bed painting my toe nails, i notice how my tea cup named Cut Flowers is sitting there waiting so patiently for me to realize what a darlingly cute moment of gi...
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The Lovely Bird

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Mugs Cups Tumblers 
The one has had a slight name change once just titled Lovely and now called The Lovely Bird or The Bird for short. It all happend because if you see on the side it has a cute little abstract bird that i brushed on in a split of a jiffy. Its a cup that i usually have my morning cup of coffee out of.
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Share the Love

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Teapots 

This was the first of my double spouted teapots that came about because i was trying to think of ideas that could possibly get me into grad school. So since i'm such a practical person its hard for me to venture out and make art sometimes for art sake. Even tho i love the idea, i mean i do want to be an art professor, so i embrace the idea of just making art to evoke a feeling. This teapot is named Share the Love because i think from the side the handles give it a heart kind of shape and also...

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Little Bit

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Vases 

This was the last bit of clay left on my wheel after making a dozen or so shot glasses. I knew there was too much left to make another shot glass and not enough for a mug. So then i thought what about a little Japanese vase, and Little Bit was born. So far it has become my favorite vase - for big or little flowers, it holds them all with just the right touch.

i've just noticed something, one may think my favorite color is blue with as many blue pottery items i have posted so far. However this...
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The Key to the Dark Crystal

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Teapots 
Yes this is a teapot with 2 spouts & 2 handles. I think surprisingly its confortable to hold and pour out of either functioning spout if one so desires. This one was named by my friend Sara. I brought it to work when it was just leather hard and she looks at it and says - wow its sooooo organic looking, i think it looks like something you would find in that movie The Dark Crystal.
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Oregano Dash Seven

Posted by Twylah Ekko on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Mugs Cups Tumblers 

This started out as a nice little tumbler, however for some reason this one had a leak. I have examined it and cannot see what could be causing this leak... so instead of just tossing it, i thought to myself well it will make a cute little planter. So far what i think is oregano at least that is what my dad told me it was when he gave me the plant, loves its' home in this little tumbler. The tumblers name is Dash Seven and since it the Oregano's home i figure its only fitting to change the na...

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Hiding Tiger

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Mugs Cups Tumblers 

This is a little mug i made when i had been away from doing my ceramics for a couple of years. The name of the mug is Tiger... i try to name all of my ceramic pieces. The name usually reflects what is going on around me at the time or something that has happened and not necessarily what the piece looks like.

I think this one got the name Tiger because there was a golf tournament on nearby & i heard the name.

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Little Wings gets a black bag

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Yesterday i was sanding a piece of metal (soda pop can) to use as the pinhole for the NEW camera i'm making. Well, thats about as far as i got - because as my other name *Side Track Sally* took over. Who knows how i ended up with material spread out all bout the floor & was cutting into a skirt then, looking at bills, GETTING the crap scared out of me from my bank sending a letter to me that my card had been compromised? WHAT? Thats not cool.... Id be getting a new card w/a new pin - make sur...

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Little Wings and Me

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, January 28, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Hi, its me in this capture i'm finishing up the pin-hole camera ;D i am placing black foam inside the lid to make a nice and snug fit. The pin-hole camera is glazed in my pinky's pink with a bit of plum squiggles just sitting there to the left her name is Little Wings.

Finally i had all the supplies i needed to get that show on the road. I even made up a small tube pinhole viewing thingy (not sure what to call it) But the reason i made that was so i could test out the size pinhole i would ne...

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Me & Little Wings safe under a red light

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

This is me and i'm loading film into my pinhole camera. Trying to remember to stay still for nearly a 45 seconds feels like such a long time when listening to hear the shutter close.

Before I had a chance to use this camera I had to go to several shops to try and find chemicals that I needed to develop the film and who knew that even though i live in the capitol of VA that the camera shops around here wouldn't have everything i needed... oh like matte paper film, Dev, Fix, SB... i mean really...

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I See You Four

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Ok Finally you get a peak at the top of the pin-hole camera and a wee bit of the side of the bottom.

This is a picture right after i have taken it out of that little rusty bin with a pair of tongs. Its still very hot - oh and before i forget to tell you - i dropped it! AAAAAAH yes i did, i felt it slipping out of my tong grip so i got super super close to the ground so when it finally slipped out of my grip and went TINK onto the hard pavement i was sooooo hoping it didn't put a crack into i...

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Blinded By Beauty is Born

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Ahhh - Finally - that was alot of work. So this is a finished greenwear pin-hole camera. In case you forgot greenwear is only just what i consider the 1/2 way point.

I thought a final picture was needed to show you what it looks like with the top put on showing off its new button stopper/shutter.

I will be soooooo excited once i get to glaze this and fix up the metal piece that i will insert as my pin-hole. Eeeeeeeh - thats my excited noise.

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Blinded By Beauty

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Tuesday, January 13, 2009, In : Creation Process 

Now where was i - um, oh yeah i just squeezed a soft bit of clay into the little hole, then i have a stamp that i made and i press that it onto my piece of really soft clay until i get a nice impression.

Well - this one is almost all put together. I suppose i would say this was at the 1/2 way mark. It still must be bisque fired, sanded, then glazed and the final firing.

Also this little pin-hole camera got a name it's called Blinded By Beauty.

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Nameless Pinhole Camera

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Thursday, January 8, 2009, In : Creation Process 

As for now this pinhole camera i'm working on is name less. So this is me & i'm working on finishing up another pinhole camera, it took me a long time to finally decide on how to make the hole for the shutter (besides for the piece of metal i have to cut later) Anyway i was trying to think of different ways to cover up the shutter.

So this was my latest idea - to make a small hole and put sorta like a plug into it. I start off by making the hole, then taking really soft clay and rolling it b...

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Little Wings and Things

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, In : Ceramic Pinhole Camera 

Here you see the last bit of things i needed to finish up my clay pin-hole camera. Lets see theres a cork with a needle in it, rubber cement, black foam, black duct tape, scissors, and of course a sheet of newspaper to spread all this stuff out on.

Once i got into it, doing the last bit really didn't take that long and was not really that hard. I would say the longest part was drilling the hole and sanding the piece of metal from the soda can was the most time consuming.

So now i need some ot...

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