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Browsing Archive: December, 2008

Tree & Presents

Posted by T Lynn Christner on Wednesday, December 31, 2008, In : Polaroid Pinhole 
This was a 3 hour exposure on Polaroid film. Thats a long time but I like the mystery of it. This is my tree. I made my tree out of copper wire and it has a copper pole in the middle where a strand of rope lights go up. It has tinsel wrapped about the copper wire that is spiraling down to the floor.
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Quick Lesson

Posted by rabbit on Wednesday, December 24, 2008, In : Creation Process 

This little box was made because I had some leftover clay all rolled out and my friend Sara was nearby. I asked her if she wanted to see how i made the boxes with the little pointed feet. She excitedly said yes!

The lid i cut a leaf shape and bent up the ends - i thought it would be most interesting. Not very practical for taking around in a bag - but who would want to hide this cute little camera? Oh an yes, this was made into a pinhole camera.

Its super sunny out today!
Would be good for ...

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